Ana and Mia

Thin Dreams, Thin Hopes, Thin Reality.

Welcome Page April 24, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

This is a Pro-Ana/Mia site, so please if you are not, or if you are under 18, do not proceed to read any further. It is not my intention to ‘trigger’ nor convince you into the ways of Anorexia, this is simply my story, and a place for others like me.

My pen name is Espere Belle, you can read more about me and what this blog contains at the “About” Page.

What “Ana and Mia” contains:

  • My Blog:  Follow me on my journey with Ana and Mia, and perhaps pick up some tips/advice from my personal view.
  • My “Hate List”: Exactly what it sounds like. I find that it is useful to have a Hate List, so that you can come back to it when you are feeling weak and remind yourself exactly why you don’t want to be a fat cow.
  • Letters to Ana: Many Pro-Ana sites have these. These are my own works in acknowledgment of what I need to be.
  • Motivational Sites: Some sites I found useful. Feel free to suggest your own.
  • My “Reason List”:  The opposite of a “hate list”, it encompasses what you need to accomplish and WHY. Yes, its shallow, but it rings true I think.
  • Thin Poems: Poems I found, or wrote myself. The deeper side of Ana/Mia.
  • Thin Quotes: Some I found/ wrote that were personally touching, which is important, because it has to mean something to YOU, if YOU want to stick to your goals.
  • Tips From Experience: Just starting out and new? Tired of those old cliché thinspiration tips repeated over and over? Want a closer inside look in to what to do or not do? Here is a page to find some help, as well as to comment your own personal tips, and get them added to the list.

So far, this blog is fairly new, so this is all for now. PLEASE feel free to comment and add to the Pro-Ana/Mia community support. Just remember inappropriate or hurtful comments will be deleted.

When reading, the older posts are at the bottom, so scroll down and read upwards in the categories.

I will state this AGAIN: If you are NOT Pro-Ana/Mia, OR if you are under 18, I suggest you leave this site now, as you will not find it appealing. I am not responsible for any “triggering” that may occur as I have warned you TWICE. Thank you.

As for my lovely Ana and Mia friends; enjoy, share and hopefully gain something out of this blog! This is a place for us to be ourselves, away from the paranoid masses “helping” us by screaming “Eat a damn sandwich!”. God I hate that. OUR BODIES, OUR MINDS, OUR CHOICE. So, let’s make the change.

I wish you all luck, prosperity, and perfection on your journeys! Stay strong, and thin!


Espere Belle


317 Responses to “Welcome Page”

  1. omalone1 Says:

    I am prepared for it all.

    • Ava Says:

      your profile picture is so racist your disgusting

      • Goregrrrl Says:

        Imagine being butthurt over a 2012 commenter, back when, you know, people had a sense of humor and weren’t overly PC.

        I’m black and think you getting offended on the behalf of others is retarded.

      • Joel Says:

        Imagine defending racism in 2021, pretending to be black doesn’t help dumbass

  2. 98bruises Says:

    Hello! I’m looking forward to exploring your lovely blog!

  3. Blithe Says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing what things you post. Add me and mg friends on instagram, if you have it. Me- AllStarKatie01 my friend- living_in_the_silence

  4. Sta.happyskinnybitch Says:

    Hello!I lose kgs everyday but i want the tips from your lovely blogspot for a faster diet!My goal is 50 kg and i almost reach it! ❤ im ready for all of this, may i will lose more kg 😉 , from my goal

  5. Lilly flower Says:

    Hello, I’ve been ana. for 2 years now, I’m 5′ 4′ and weigh 98lbs. I’ve really been going through some hard times. I’ve been eating more than I should. I need support to get back to my eating habits. Can I find that here?

    • Justwant to be thin Says:

      hey do you have a email? i’m also 5’4 and i wish i was your weight! i need an ana buddy to help me say on track current weight: FAT COW goal weight: 100lbs. please help i really need someone to be my ana buddy!

  6. AllisonCx Says:

    I need an Ana buddy ! Kik me c: kik: erinlovestacos

  7. acacia Says:

    well, i am looking forward to checking out your blog.😄

  8. Hey, I’m Zoe. I’m just looking for some people who actually get me. I’m new to this whole bkog thing so I apologize in advance if I didn’t even put this in the right place. 🙂

  9. Angeles Estrada Says:

    Please help lose weight fast!!

  10. Andy Pheonix Says:

    I’m sooo sick and tired of being FAT

  11. Andy Pheonix Says:

    I’m sooo sick of being this FAT

  12. Johna829 Says:

    Thank you for your blog article. Great. keedfebekaak

  13. Mona Says:

    Try metamucil its so much healthier and works like a laxative without all the pain and long term health problems. ive been addicted to laxatives for about 6 months and went up to 5 a day by the time i decided it was time for a change.. i weighed 130 and im 5’3 .. 21 years old. im down to 120 with excessive exercising, running uphill on treadmill 3 times a day 20 minute sessions. and on a low calorie diet .. drinking plenty of fluids. I lost the weight within 2 weeks,, used to use laxatives just to maintain my weight at first .. bad habit with binge eating. My spine started to hurt and my bones felt like they were going to fracture i knew it was time for a change, i was scared and even cried after my boyfriend threw away my laxatives.. he gave me metamucil instead and i ended up going to the bathroom the next morning without any pain.. im pro ana/mia. Everyone thinks i look great but my distorted image about myself disagrees. i know what most of you are going through.. metamucil is the safest way to go,Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, and take vitamin pills.

  14. Ana Isabel Says:

    Hello my name is Ana. I had anorexia when i was 16 years old i dances ballet just for look thin.I start with 103 lbs. And finish with 97 lbs Then I started to have problems with my parents, boyfriend and When i was 17 years old I had bulimia and I stoped 3 months ago. My weight was 93 and my size 1.50 cm. Now I’m starting again with problems with my family and about love very dissapointment. my weight right now 100 lbs. I just need someone who understand me and support me. I’m from Panama and I’m19 years old.

  15. Leigh Says:

    Waiting for something

  16. Want to be thin Says:

    I need a ana buddy to keep me motivated.ill do the same.i will not tell ANYBODY who you are. My kik is “lul_bae” tell me your interested and ill alway reply !

  17. Destiny Says:

    Hi! My name is destiny and I’m looking for some extra support and a weight loss buddy. I’m willing to help anyone that needs some support as well.

  18. Chloe graham Says:

    Hi everyone can you give me any tips to loose more weight x

  19. Soa Says:

    I need help. I been trying to loose weight but it is impossible, I had bulimia about three years ago, I was doing great, I started working in a restaurant and gained a looooot of weight, I need a Ana or Mia buddy ,someone who’s going to push and help me fast and exercise a lot pls. I hate being a fat pig. This is mi kik princesssoa

  20. Fatasfuck Says:

    I’m stuck between 150-160 and Im 6’ft. somebody please dont let me eat anymore I always eat too much im so sick of not having the body I want. its all I think about all day every day I cant take it anymore i just want to look good and stop obsessing about how ugly/fat i am.

    • Maya Says:

      Guys please if ever feel insecure go to the mirror and say ur beautiful everyday

    • Mia_sabax Says:

      I can be your buddy i was anorexic and now that i am “recovered” i gained a hole lot of weight. I want to loose weight too so we will help each other if you want

      My snapchat is Mia_sabax

      • Lucille Says:

        I know it’s been a long time since your post but are you always interested? Our backgrounds are pretty similar…

  21. Jess Says:

    I’ve been Mia for almost 5 years and I keep gaining weight despite all my efforts. I need help figuring out what I’m doing wrong.

  22. skeleton inside me Says:

    Hey im just looking for some pro ana mia buddys like me! 2 help and support me get beautiful n thin

    • varjak123 Says:

      Hi I’m looking for a buddy too. I’ve been ana/Mia for about 4 years going on 5. I’m more Mia now than ana but I would like to have the help and support of becoming beautiful and thin too.

  23. Rhiannon Says:

    Hi. I really need a mentor who can guide me through
    the way and tell me all the do’s and don’ts. Please I’m desperate…

  24. D Says:

    I’m new to blogging, but I can answer questions if you leave them on my page.

  25. anythingtobeskinny Says:

    I need help ASAP guys. I’m too fat. I hate myself. I hate looking at others, all of my friends because they’re all so skinny and beautiful and I’m just the fat lard of them all. I want and need to be skinny. I need motivation. I need a push. I need anything! Tips? Pills? ANNYTHING please. I need nothing more than to be skinny. I don’t want to hate myself but I can’t even look in the mirror without wanting to throw up.
    Please help me, anyone.

  26. Selena Says:

    I need a Mia buddy kik me at : s.cxoxo

  27. Anelle Says:

    Hello! I’m a UK dress size 12… But when I fit clothes in h&m I’m a 16. I realised I need to lose a lot of weight. I’m a fugly cow. Any tips for a beginner? 😦 I really need to lose weight

  28. Amberly Says:

    I’ve been struggling with weight for years and I’ve been Mia for almost 3 years I need a Mia buddy bad to help motivate me and help I’ll do the same just Kik me please…”nicoledezzies”

  29. Charly James Says:

    I really need help to become anorexic and to teach myself to hate food. Could you help me please? I’ve been off and on pro Ana diets for years but I want to be a true anorexic.

  30. hailey Says:

    Go check out my blog! im new but comment or email me if you need an ana buddy!!!

  31. Mariah Nuñez Says:

    I’ve been Pro-Ana and Mia for quite a while now… Though I’m hoping I can do better than how I’m doing now…

    • Ana Says:

      Hi, I was ana and mia while ago for some years.. I still have my diary and I miss those days.. I have a huge body now 😦 I need to talk with someone, I wanna be strong again, could you help me?

  32. Sadpieceofmind Says:

    Hi! I’m just trying to have inspiration
    Thank u c:

  33. Sadpieceofmind Says:

    Hi; I’m 22 years old and I’m hoping todo keep me strong and helps us
    in times of weak and sharing tipos

    Thanks you!!!

  34. LaraAna13 Says:

    How do I stay anorexic if my parents control what I eat and cook for me. I’m trying my hardest to get them to stop because I’m gaining but they won’t. Please help!

  35. Angela Says:

    Hello just came across this page and I’ve been on and off with the Ana thing got distracted discouraged so I have up ..but I want to be thin again I’m 20 yrs I weigh 190 my goal is 100-110 but before jully 11 cause that’s my bday and I have to be small by then..what I did was only eat 20 carbs a day and I lost 10 lbs in a week its called Atkins diet its incredible some people restrict calories and that works too but when I ate less carbs I lost weight faster anyway that’s my goal hope we can work together all of us

  36. Katherine Moart Says:


  37. Libny Salgado Says:

    I want to be a little thinner i noticed that i’ve been eating a lot of food and i’ve noticed more fat .. what should i do?

  38. Gloriia Says:

    Quiero estar en wasat

  39. Didi Says:

    Me gustaría ayuda para adelgazar me he separado y no paro de engordar

  40. J.J Says:

    Buenas soy nueva en esto y me gustaría que me ayuden, que me motive para conseguir mi objetivo de estar bien conmigo mismo.
    Me vendría bien poder hablar con alguna de ustedes y así me puedan ayudar, gracias.

  41. Alba Patricia Fajardo Rodríguez Says:

    Hola por favor ayudame no quiero ser gorda

    • Te aconsejo que no te metas en algo asi.Habla con tus padres y diles lo que sientes,por mas dificil que sea.Solo se vive una vez y despues puede que te arrepientas de todo cuando ya sea muy tarde.Habla conmigo para lo que necesites.Yo tengo 16 años y pase por sobrepeso.Yo soy muy fan del baile y busque coreografias que me gustaran para aprenderlas y aunque no lo creas ayuda un monton.Yo baje cantidad en tan solo 3 meses.Pero no puedes rendirte tienes que seguir fuerte.Tambien puedes comer mas vegetales y frutaslos cuales ayudan dandole a tu cuerpo mas vitaminas y proteinas.Puede que sea muy dificil contarle lo que sientes a tus padres sobre todo si no tienen una buena relacion pero si la tienen solo dicelos.Si no se lo quieres contar o aun no estas lista,se libre de decirme y preguntarme todo lo que nececites.Espero que este mensaje te llegue Y recuerda,siempre va a ver alguien que te ame y este dispuesto a dar la vida por ti.Consentrate en eso y lucha por tener una vida sana y sin culpa.Disculpa por un mensaje tan largo.Esperare tu respuesta

  42. Hola mi nombre es gabriela alguien por favor que me ayude peso 63 kilos y quiero bajar pero no puedo la ansiedad me gana ayudemen estoy cansada de ser gorda soy horrible

  43. Natalia Says:

    Hola quería pedir ayuda a alguien que me de consejos porque estoy muy obesa
    Por favor este es mi watssapp +56983827327

  44. iacp16024 Says:

    I’m ready t be beautiful:)

  45. Melena gonzalez Says:

    I want to be thin,I’m to fat.

  46. Rosy Espinosa Says:

    Hola! Quiero saber más de esto por favor! ☺😊

  47. Fatgirl2-22-2001 Says:

    From Fatgirl2-22-2001

    Hi i am sami madden and i want to lose a lot of weight to as well to and i am an extremely fat cow myself to please help me lose all the weight i need to lose as well myself

    Sami madden

  48. Says:

    Just need some strong motivation to go back to my skinny shape please help

  49. Maitena Saenz Says:

    Hi!! Im new at this i weight 56.8 and my hight is 1 meter and 55 mm, my goal is to weight 42

  50. Mia Says:

    Hi its me Mia I want to start this but I dont know how all my family ( the people that are suppose to love me ) say i am fat i cant with my body i just want to be thin i all the people compare me with my little cousin she is thin and flexible and she like to dance as i do but just because i am fat they say that i will not be as good as she is and that pissed me up i cant believe that i am doing this i have seen lot of videos about this but this is my only option to show my family that i am thin and a princess i think i want to be proana but my mom is always cheking i eat please help me want i need to do

  51. Felicitas Castro Says:

    Necesito ayuda, estoy preparada

  52. Ashley Acevedi Says:

    Hey my name is Ashley and I would like some advice Ineed to loose weight fast

  53. Angie Says:

    Anybody want to be buddies?

  54. ImNormal Says:

    I just need to say some things, first of all, most men are into fat women these days, second of all, being fat and eating is way healthier then being a thin freak who is close to death. I should also state that puking is far worse to your teeth than any type of food, and by the time you start puking all of the calories are already adsorbed into your body. Being super thin is NOT attractive. My whole entire school almost puked in their mouth when we saw pictures of people with anorexia, If you ask me, being “pro ana” is a fool’s thing. We go over this stuff in health class, everyone with anorexia never ends up in a good position at the end, most by death.

    I have also noticed everyone trying to be “buddies”-well, there’s: snapchat, instagram, twitter, and better places to be “buddies”. Ignoring this message will not prove anything or make anything better and I know this for a fact, these are mind games, and anyone with a severely weak mind will be controlled by these types of sites. stupid people on this site. I don’t consider it “thin”, I consider it freakish and ugly. Everyone is born the way they are and shouldn’t change. If your smart, than you will believe this message and use it to your advantage. I am a little “wider” than i was a year ago but i don’t care. it’s called “acceptance”. Acceptance of yourself is the healthiest thing for you. I recommend eating and exercising is fine, but not to the point that you feel pain. Also consider the fact of not being able to have children.

    I’ll tell you what the taste of thin really is:Hunger, Death, doesn’t sound too good to me. I pretty sure food tastes a lot better than “thin”, but the type of thin you guys are talking about is far worse. might as well use “the taste of bones” or “the taste of absolutely nothing at all”. I see so many messed up minds that i force myself to wright a damn report on this stupid ass website and i have no idea why it exists. Do you guys even know the real reason that this website exists? Quit with the stupid crap and wake up, because if this anorexia stuff continues, it may be too late to wake up even if you have changed your mind.

    I know of some “fat” or “chubby” people that are my friends(very good friends), and i have never met anyone happier than them, they laugh a lot, very nice, push any type of insult off to the side, and that to me is healthy. Acceptance. Please turn your back on anorexia as anorexia will turn it’s back on you, maybe not right now, but for sure in the end.

    WELCOME TO THE TRUTH wake up before it’s too late to try…

  55. Hola peso 65 kilos Soy una gorda fea askerosa ayudenme por favor quiero ser una princesa y nadie me entiende ayudenme!!! Diganme sus dietas y trucos por favor

  56. Skin I'm in Says:

    I am 135 pounds I need help

  57. Jess Says:

    I’m ready to be thin.

  58. Miss Says:

    I’m 114 pounds and 5’4

    I need to be way less

  59. Edison Says:

    Me parece perfecto que cada vez ayudemos a mas jovenes a ser delgados y lleguemos ala perfeccion

  60. Butterfly Says:

    Hey can someone be my buddy? I wanna lose 10 kg and I want someone with me

  61. Diana Says:

    ❗️Hi) Looking for someone to help me lose 10 kg.
    Talk about diets, tips and tricks.
    Open to everyone.
    Please reply❗️

  62. roxy Says:

    hey im new to this want to lose weight need a few ana buddies to motivate me add me on facebook roxy autumn

  63. Alex Says:

    Can somebody please help me? I want to lose weight and be skinny and pretty but not only can I not stay motivated, I don’t even have a scale to weigh myself with. Is there anything I can do to keep track of my weight and how much I am losing?

  64. Ava Says:

    This is crazy I’m against Anorexia but yet I want to be

  65. Bell Says:

    i need an ana/mia buddy to help me stay focused so i don’t cave at the end of the day and binge eat . want to lose 20 pounds maybe even more but i need help 😦

  66. live6431 Says:

    Gracias m ayudas mucho cn tus concejos

  67. live6431 Says:

    M matan los atracones y no se como controlarme.. recurro a mia pero siento q no es sufiente. Nada es sufiente

  68. Guadalupe Sanchez Says:

    Hola, soy nueva, soy un cerdo asqueroso quiero ser mejor, quiero ser bonita, quiero que me quieran, necesito un compañero que me ayude

  69. solosetucom Says:

    necesito ayuda, yo era flaca llegue a pesar 46kg y ahora estoy hecha una vaca un hipopotamo peso 65KG. Me deprimia de nada y simplemente empezaba a comer y no paraba, pero ahora estoy peor por que me desanimo demasiado por mi peso, necesito muchisima ayuda porfavor

  70. Elizabeth Says:

    Need an ana buddy pls

  71. Pau Says:

    Hola yo tengo 12 años y e dejado de comer esta bien lo que hago?

  72. Pau Says:

    Hola yo tengo 12 y he dejado de comer esta bien lo que hago?
    Esq me veo muy gordaa!!

  73. miriam umiña Says:

    Hola como puedo bajar de peso super rapido escríbeme

  74. Oriana Says:

    Hola soy de Argentina recien este año comenze a ser pro-ana y mia creo que nadie me entendia hasta ahora ustedes si me entiende y saben lo estresante que puede llegar a ser esto sobre todo si estan controlandote constantemente con la comida poreso ahora estoy feliz de a verlos encontrado

  75. Cucu Mind Says:

    Hi! I need some Ana and Mia friends :’) i think we could talk and give each other some tips, and understand what we are going through.
    I am Mia and just want to have friends that could understand me.
    Hola! Me gustaría tener amigos Ana/Mia :’) creo que podríamos hablar y darnos tips. Podemos ser amigos que se entiendan y se apoyen :’)

  76. Patch Says:

    i need accountability. i used to be good at restricting/fasting but ive become more mia and have gained a lot of weifght. I’m done gaining. Time to relearn ana…i need new friends who can help me with accountability on relearning restricting/fasting. I’m actually a pretty nice person once you get past apparent self-hatred so please befriend me 🙂

    KIK: patch4525

  77. Justus Says:

    I am new to this and I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me along my journey to being skinny and beautiful.

  78. Dana Says:

    Hola a todas las princezaz:. Quiero ser una de ustedes ya no kiero ser una cerda como lo he sido hasta ahora por favor denme consejos para dejar de ser una vaca horrenda
    Muchas gracias y espero que puedan ayudarme

  79. Alyssa Says:

    I was anorexic for years weighing 110 lbs just to keep up appearances for family. But was forced into taking medications for weight gain and even off them I cannot lose this weight. I used to love feeling hungry and now I’m constantly looking for food. I’m 146 lbs. my wedding is in March. I need to lose 20 lbs. I need all the help and tips I can get guys. Please please help me feel pretty again!

  80. evathinning Says:

    i need to loose 20 pounds also i am also 110

  81. evathinning Says:

    add me on instagram so we can talk about it and help each other. @eva.thinning

    • MapleSnow Says:

      I don’t have instagram, but I have email, would you like to talk through email?? If yes, I’d gladly give you mine

  82. Cindy Amigon Says:

    i am in please help me i want to be thin please!?

  83. Kat Says:

    Can you help me with my ana journey too? Cuz I’m desperate to lose weight. I need a pro ana coach or a pro ana group to motivate me.

  84. Matt Says:

    Hola,solo quiero pedir apoyo,ya no puedo mas conmigo misma ,siempre pienso que siendo un poco mas delgada tal vez podría hacerme sentir mejor pero e sido demasiado devil últimamente y necesito a alguien que me recuerde lo perfecto que es estar delgado,quiero decirle a alguien lo que comí o no comí y me diga “hey! Vas muy bien” o “espera,no quieres ser una maldita vaca o si?”

  85. MelisStardust Says:

    Hi I’m Mel, I came back to Ana this week and I was wondering if any of u can be a buddy, because I feel so alone and there’s no one, and my friends wouldn’t understand a thing…

  86. Logan Schweiker Says:

    im in need of some tips I really want to lose some wiegth could someone help please

  87. Kate Says:

    Thanks for this! Looking for an ana buddy!!


    Hello i need loos weight please somebody help me add me on ws please +18099102317 thanks

  89. Hola a todos me puse a buscar dietas en internet ya que no encontraba la manera de bajar de peso gracias a Dios encontre este blok que parece prometedor yo soy mia todo lo que como vomito pero siendo gorda yo quiero llegar a ser ana neceaito que me ayuden con algunos oncejos y dietas gracias suertes a todos

  90. Leigh Says:

    I need an ana buddy…im pleading

  91. Mari Says:

    Hola, soy nueva y la verdad quiero hacer esto, pero me da miedo. Aun que estoy arta de que me digan lo gorda que estoy… por favor ayudenme, quiero ser una princesa perfecta.

    Uso página de incógnita para que no se vea lo que busco, en caso de que sospechen de algo :3

    Estaré muy agradecida de que me acepten aquí


  92. Maria Fernanda Marticorena Mendoza Says:

    Hi, I’m new here and I really want to be a princess and I’m tired of being a sow and they criticize me for that reason, from now on I want to fulfill my goal of being a princess 😔💙

  93. Dani Says:

    Hola quiero comenzar .

  94. Bella w Says:

    Hola soy nueva y estoy decidida a ser una princesa, aceptaré los retos estoy harta de ser una cerda ayúdame por favor peso 57 kilos y tengo 1,59 de estatura

  95. Alessandra Says:

    Soy nueva….me gustaria ser una princesa más….me podrian ayudar??

  96. Samie Says:

    Looking for an Ana buddy asap. I’m 3yrs recovered from anorexia but have gone the complete opposite way due to meds, now they swapped me to lose weight and I need Ana back in my life. Email mw if youre interested, 18+ only as I’m 25/female

  97. Samie Says:

    Looking for an Ana buddy asap. I’m 3yrs recovered from anorexia but have gone the complete opposite way due to meds, now they swapped me to lose weight and I need Ana back in my life. Email mw if youre interested, 18+ only as I’m 25/female

  98. Adriana Says:

    I’m 21 and I hate my body , someone please be my Ana buddy , I am needing it badly… I am so fat I just hate it!

  99. Lady Says:

    Hola a todos soy nueva me entere de esta página de Ana y Mia esperó que me sirva de lucha aguda , gracias ..

  100. Jaycie Says:

    Anyone wanna be my Ana buddy?

  101. Ana Says:

    Soy nueva en esto y quiero empezar !!!

  102. Valerie Guillen Says:

    Plz add me in whatsapp my phone number is 8336097537

  103. Emma Says:

    Need a buddie Add me on kik: epicgirl101099

  104. shawn Says:

    Hey I’m Shawn I’d love talk a lady that mia binge purge type I model I love women that can sing as well and pretty feet that u call me 747-250-3602

    • Dynisty Says:

      Hey im shawn id love binge purge type that can moun sing and pretty cute chubby feet i model im tall 6″2 athlitic built if u text are call me 323-867-5468

  105. Aprendiendo a ser princesa Says:

    Hola princesas soy una chica que mide 1 48 y peso 40 soy una vaca ayudenme a vajar de peso porfavor

  106. Valentina Aguilar Says:

    Estoy lista para todo y anciosa para ver tu blok

  107. kxxk Says:

    hey someone wants to talk? please…

  108. Lynechia Says:

    Thank you for making this site. I’m.glad to see other people like me, and that I’m not alone.

  109. Valentina Says:

    Quiero ser Ana😩❤❤❤❤❤

  110. Samara Galvan Says:

    Gracias por este blog, me encanta, yo apenas estoy empezando a ser Pro/Ana y Mia, y sus consejos me ayudan de mucho, realmente gracias, apenas tengo 12, pero… quiero ser una princesa, y no estar gorda…

    • Maddie Says:

      Nena, no. No me lo tomes a mal, realmente soy menor de edad y soy pro-Ana. Sin embargo a los doce es la etapa donde tu cuerpo se está desarrollando y que realmente necesita esos nutrientes si no quieres tener complicaciones en el futuro. Quizá sea tarde, quizá ya lo hiciste, pero ojalá estés bien.

  111. PrayingforPerfection Says:

    Hello, I have just very recently decided that I can no longer allow myself to live as the cow that I currently am. I’m desperate for any advice, tips, tricks, or friends.
    I am currently: 5′ 1″
    140 lbs.
    My email is

  112. janny Says:

    estoy preparada y ansiosa por comenzar

  113. Gabii Scoot Says:

    Hola me llamo gabii y quiero ser una de ustedes no quieeo seguir mas siendobuna cerda por favor alguien que me de unos consejos para poder perder peso

  114. Skylar Says:

    I am just starting out and would like a mentor. Who can i go to

  115. jaz15 Says:

    Hola quisiera que me agregaran y ayudarán mi número es 2920 490523

  116. Yolanda Says:

    Hola soy nueva y la verdad quisiera ser PERFECTA así que por eso los contacte
    Me pueden ayudar?????

    • Maddie Says:

      ¿Cómo vas? Yo realmente no tengo muchos consejos que dar además de tomar mucha agua, comer una manzana verde cuando sientes ansiedad y comer un poco de carne de vez en cuando en las comidas para que los músculos estén bien, pero creo que eso es básico.

  117. Melisa Says:

    do you have any whatsapp group?

  118. Valentina burbano Says:

    Estoy dispuesta a todo

  119. nerina Carive Says:

    Hola me siento muy mal con mi cuerpo y quiero bajar de peso lo mas rápido posible me darían más consejos por favor nesecito ayuda

  120. Emaby Schvind Says:

    Hola tienen grupo de whatsapp?

  121. Jamie Says:

    I am so fat and need help,

  122. lizbeth Says:

    Agregenme a un grupo de wats por fa
    Mi numero es +52 5575207282
    Se los agradeceria mucho

  123. Maddie Says:

    Uhh, Good morning, afternoon or night. I don’t know if this page still active, but I just want to know if I can do this. I have fifteen, but I have overweight too. Ana has been helping me with that, but I’m just a novice in this and I would like to have a mentor to say it in some way. Maybe the physical doesn’t bring me happiness, but I want at least one day to stop listening to the jokes about my weight, not having to see all this accumulated fat,
    stop feeling inferior when I see a beautiful and thin woman passing in front of me (and I live in a capital, you’ll already get an idea of how much there are of that kind of people here).

    Thank you for reading this, and actually I speak Spanish by birth, so I’m very sorry if in some parts there are incongruities or inconsistencies, I’m just going in intermediate level and is a little complicated to say sentences that aren’t “open the window”. I hope someone can help me to make my dream reality

    • Melanie Says:

      He entendido que hablas español, así que creo que debo responderte en ese idioma.
      Te puedo ayudar, no soy una experta en esto, pero tampoco me considero novata, así que si necesitas un mentor, puedo serlo. También me hace falta alguien con quien compartir todo lo que conlleva esto y juntos llegar a una meta, puedes escribirme aquí (+5212282932192).

  124. franlle Says:

    Hola me pueden meter al grupo por favor ya tengo mucho tiempo de intentar meterme y no e podido les dejo mi número +506 64229109

  125. tavy Says:

    Hi idk if this account is still going but I need someone to help me out. I’m a beginner and need some tricks or a mentor and someone to help me. My kik is:tav998

  126. Tini Says:

    Hallo. Bin neu hier und suche Hilfe. Habe schwere Depressionen und bin suizidal, außerdem Borderline und habe soziale Phobie. Muss antidepressiva nehmen und habe stark zugenommen, ekelhaft! Esse wenig und bestrafe mich bei bei Gewichtszunahme, aber es hilft nicht. Mit meinem Therapeuten kann ich nicht darüber reden. Wäre sehr glücklich über gut Tips und evtl Unterstützung, der Blick in den Spiegel ist einfach grauenhaft. Bekomme die Depression nicht in den Griff, hätte aber gerne wenigstens beim Kampf gegen das Fett die Oberhand. Ich hoffe das klingt nicht blöde, habe bei sowas keine Erfahrung. Bin auch schon älter,41, und kann mit niemandem reden. Suche liebe gleichgesinnte oder Leute die mich verstehen und unterstützen können.

  127. Denisse M Says:

    Hola por favor me agregan al grupo de WhatsApp +593 959939966 tengo 20 y vivo sola, necesito una Ana

  128. Puffy1890 Says:

    Hola, se que es uno de los ultimos comentarios actualmente pero estoy en busca de un@ amig@ con quien pueda hablar y que me ayude o que me de consejos, si alguien esta interesad@ porfavor diganme💗💗

  129. Gina Says:

    Hola,por favor necesito a.alguien para compartir todo esto porq nadie me apoya y esmuy dificil

  130. Gina Says:

    Hola,por favor necesito a.alguien para compartir todo esto porq nadie me apoya y esmuy dificil

  131. beloyes Says:

    Necesito una amiga Ana🙏❤️

  132. Rebek-he _______ Says:

    Agregenme 3318465939

  133. Dynisty Says:

    Hey im shawn id love binge purge type that can moun sing and pretty cute chubby feet i model im tall 6″2 athlitic built if u text are call me 323-867-5468

  134. Abigail Rangel Says:

    Hi everyone, if someone would like to tell your experience.
    Contact me at
    I have some questions.
    Thank you

  135. Salt Says:

    I’m 14, although your age doesn’t matter much to me. Looking for an ana buddy. No nudes or anything as that can get creepy quickly. This should be a strict thing where we don’t let each other cheat so we can actually lose some weight together. If you’re interested and have a phone number please email me at

  136. anasia91 Says:

    I would love an Ana buddy. Someone who is or wants to be Ana and who would want to lose weight together. I’d love to lose more weight and to become thin. If anyone wants to be my Ana buddy, my Kik account is: Anassia91
    You can also write me on:

  137. BetsyCont15 Says:

    Necesito ayuda, soy una cerda vil, tengo 16 y peso casi 90, he intentado dietas, nutriólogos, pastillas, ejercicios y no tengo nada en la tiroides… Estoy mal muy mal. Necesito ayuda urgente, alguien que me guíe, empecé hace una semana, pero ya no pude provocarme el vómito. Me siento mal. ¡Auxilio!

    • haydes Says:

      hola, podemos hablar?
      quiero empezar con esto de verdad, lo necesito y me gustaría poder hacerlo con alguien mas así nos ayudamos.

  138. Nath Says:

    Qué ha pasado con el grupo de WhatsApp? Ayudaría bastante, gracias

  139. Xiomara Says:

    Hola…… Podrían ayudarme ya no quiero ser la cerda del grupo quiero ser delgada. Gracias✨

  140. Smoke Girl Says:

    Mido 1.55cm y peso 67 kg

  141. Smoke Girl Says:

    Mido 1.55 cm y peso 67 kg

  142. Ruby Says:

    I’m new at this and I need a buddy

  143. clary Says:

    hi, i’m new here and looking to make some friends

  144. Basmala Says:

    Anybody who has a ana group for me? Need friends who actually understand my situation. I’m currently 16 and from Germany!

    I will be waiting for an answer.

  145. elise Says:

    i weight 120lbs…. i wanna lose it all

  146. Katherine Says:

    I need to lose weight and I would like to meet ppl with my same understanding 😦

  147. Emily Says:

    I don’t want to be a far cow

  148. Ben Says:

    strict proana coach from germany. offer strict and dominant coaching. my rules only. bodychecks obligatory.
    only contact me if you are proana and want to reach perfection.
    kik: samtei414

  149. NoBodycheck coach Says:

    Strict and harsh international coach is looking for a submissive fatty who tried it all, but still cannot control herself.

    Let me help you. I’ll ask alot, but don’t need bodychecks.

    Kik: nobodycheck

  150. Patricia Says:

    Hi, I’m Patricia and I’m 17 years, since I was 12 purge and by now I don’t know how to stop, I also do laxatives. I have periods of time when I stop and forget about the food but this quarantine it is more difficult to me not having those thoughts and not binge

  151. LastResortCoaching Says:

    Help and guidance

    When you need more than just a strict coach.. kik: lastresortcoaching
    Help AND guidance: kik lastresortcoaching

  152. anyone wants to start a group chat to help each other out? I’m 16. I’ll wait on an answer

  153. GoldenBird Says:

    Hi I have had an ED for several years now. I like this blog. Hard to find pro ana or mia stuff these days. Google censors everything.

  154. ProPretty Says:

    This is now my new favorite site!

  155. g Says:

    How about you stop being a cancerous retch, while you rape innocent girls like a cult leader ? Incidently, you DO TRIGGER girls who unfortunately feed your toxicity. Why not show your full name & email address ?

    Didn’t think so !

    Get a life !

  156. E.A Says:

    I had ana for less than one year, and almost died. After near recover, still thin, it became mia, and it’s with me since more than 20 years ago. Despite practicing some sports, because I love them, and eating apparently healtthy, I’ve been gaining weight through the years DUE TO the mia. Since very few years after all this started I also suffer a lot of cronical diseases and pains that don’t allow me to enjoy the really interesting life I could have had. I know I’ll die from it, directly or indirectly, and that my heart may stop any time soon because of it. And being lucky? to be alive after so many years. Some days upto some hours dedicated to mia, thinking how to hide something, thinking lies to hide anything about my life with mia… Do you think it’s your choice and that you’re free? I don’t think so. Maybe the first weeks. After it, we’re complete slaves of ana/mia, so better not to start. Princesses? Please, we’re in XXI century! The best way to be thin? Go to a nutritionist, his/her job depends partly on that you get and keep it.

  157. stringbean17p Says:

    Heyy guys! I’m sorta looking for an Ana buddy! Contact me

  158. Lollipop Says:

    Is there still anyone active on here?

  159. lesli Says:

    i wanna get skinny but i don’t know how to control my body and brain to stop eating

    • ferryrudetwt Says:

      It’s about self control for starters. If you can’t you could try a buddy or even an annacoach.
      If you post TWT/KIK/IG with what you need people will reach out. Good luck

  160. Rhys Says:

    my goal is 80lbs but my parents are basically forcing me to eat and I don’t know what to do I don’t want to be fat anymore. any advice?

  161. Ara Says:

    Please help me ith how to vomit fast after eating when I have no choice.
    Is there a medication? Please help

    • ferryrudetwt Says:

      Drink A LOT of water! Drinking water before purging it mixed up with all the food and made everything a lot easier to get up. The more water, the better!
      To purge at home, say you’re taking a shower and go to the bathroom. Turn on the bathroom fan if you have one and also turn on the shower. After that you can purge and they will most likely not hear you.
      Stand up over the toilet and bend down, instead of kneeling in front of it! It really helps.

      P_a_consultant -> IG

      • Ara Says:

        Also I’m experiencing lots of stress and that makes me eat not because I’m hungry but because I’m anxious. What helps to stop the cravings?

  162. Ada Says:

    I need help to be skinny and beautiful and so I can wear what I want and still looking good

  163. lina Says:


  164. Aury Says:

    I’m interested to know more

  165. dylan Says:

    Hi! can someone give me tips to lose weight fast i literally look like a pig ;(

  166. Please let’s make a Whatsapp group!

  167. VioletRose Says:

    I’m 5’3 and 97 lbs. I’ve been fasting lately, and so far I managed to water fast for 5 days. I felt so good afterward, clean and light without that ugly tummy fat. Since then I binged a lot and put some weight, but I’m planning on fasting the whole week. Long fastings are the BOMB. The last days are easy, so you only need to survive the first few days and VOILÀ – a few pounds down.

  168. F Says:

    I’m 21, student, currently at 59kg/172cm and looking for someone to be at my side while loosing weight. I want somebody to pay me for each kg I lose. you’re in control of what I eat and of my weight.
    if you’re serious about it, please contact me:
    ❤ thanks

  169. sorcerer1 Says:

    99% hier werden ihr Ziel niemals erreichen.
    Wärt ihr in der Lage dazu, müsstet ihr euch keine Hilfe im Netz suchen und die Hilfe im Netz ist auch nur hier, weil sies nicht hinkriegt.
    Und so könnt ihr gemeinsam heulen und euch dann gegenseitig ghosten.
    Wie trostlos.

    Wie wärs mit einem deal?
    Wenn du dein normales Leben vernachlässigen kannst, dann regel ich das mit dem Gewicht für dich und du kannst dich so bewundern, wie du dich perfekt findest. Aber hinterher will ich deine Mitarbeit dabei, ana aus deinem Leben zu kicken.

    Bist du von unten bis oben zerschnitten oder kotzt täglich, kann ich dir leider nicht helfen. Das übersteigt meine Fähigkeiten.

    Natürlich über kik das Ganze.

  170. Em Says:

    Help me please!

  171. Em Says:

    please help me get over my hunger..

  172. Hola Says:

    Hey i just went on a trip and i gained so much kg I have never been so fat in my life. I suffer a lot with this and specially now since i gained weight. I really want some advice on how to calm my hunger, any advice? I used to be 50 kg and im 1.62 but now im 65kg.. please help. I saw if i dont eat anything for at least 2 days i can lose even 1 kkg per day. any suggestions or things that have worked for you?

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